Friday, February 19, 2010

Fun in the Snow!! The Iowa Olympics

Magpie and Bella are celebrating their own Olympics.  This is short track chase.  There are no rules - leaping, biting, clacking teeth and jumping on each other are all allowed.
 Look at those great hackle rises and that wonderful form. 
It looks like Magpie has Bella on the run.
But in the end Bella pulled out a great finish!  Go Bella and Magpie!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Went for a w-a-l-k!

Mommy took us for a short walk today!

Still cold and snowy

Our boys had a snow day on Tuesday, so Mommy made them shovel.
I helped Eric.
He doesn't have very good aim with that thing.
Sheesh!  That took a lot of shaking to get the snow off.